SEO Sprints: A Guide to High-Impact SEO Engagements


Chris Young

SEO Sprints: A Guide to High-Impact SEO Engagements

SEO Sprints have become increasingly popular with companies because of the time and financial investment required.

These revolutionary sprints combine a majority of the high-impact SEO activities of a regular months-long campaign into a short 90-day period of time. Traditional SEO partnerships tend to take several months if not years, and while they are an excellent option for companies that need ongoing support for large websites, they are a real commitment. For companies that need a highly effective SEO campaign on a time budget, SEO sprints can deliver astounding results. As more advanced algorithms emerge and AI continues to grow in popularity, high-quality SEO sprints become even more important for all companies with a website presence.

What are SEO Sprints?

SEO sprints are a modern and dynamic approach to search engine optimization, characterized by their short-term, intensive focus aimed at rapidly improving a website's performance and visibility. Unlike traditional SEO strategies, which involve ongoing, gradual efforts across a broad range of activities, SEO sprints concentrate on specific, measurable goals within a limited timeframe of about 90 days. This approach allows for agility and rapid implementation of changes, adapting quickly to market trends and search engine algorithm updates. 

SEO sprints are especially effective in achieving quick wins, providing immediate improvements in search rankings, traffic, or other key performance indicators. They are well-suited for responding to immediate market changes or addressing specific SEO challenges, such as a sudden drop in search rankings due to an algorithm update or building high visibility for product launches.

The Three Parts of an SEO Sprint

There are basically three parts to a sprint: technical SEO, content optimization, and link building. All of these elements taken together create a high-impact and time-efficient SEO symphony.

Technical SEO in SEO Sprints

Technical SEO is a crucial element in the success of a sprint, as it directly impacts how well a website can be crawled and indexed by search engines. During the technical phase, key aspects like site speed, mobile-friendliness, and schema markup are prioritized to enhance a website's visibility and search engine rankings. This phase usually involves improving site speed, creating a mobile-friendly version of the website, implementing a schema, and overall shoring-up of the user experience.

Content Optimization in SEO Sprints

Content optimization is a pivotal component of an SEO sprint, playing a central role in enhancing a website's relevancy and authority in the eyes of search engines. High-quality, relevant content not only engages users but also significantly influences search engine rankings. This part of an SEO sprint focuses on the actual copy that appears on your website. The first thing is to identify which keywords are performing well and which are not, and then make changes based on this research. Keywords are one of the most important parts of SEO since they tell Google and other search engines exactly what your website is about. The goal during this phase is to identify the most consequential changes that can be made to your website in the smallest amount of time–picking the biggest low-hanging fruit. Once this is done, a quick round of content creation for blogs, articles, and pillar pieces can create a nice cherry on top to round out this stage of the sprint.

Link Building in SEO Sprints

Link building is an essential aspect of SEO sprints, often playing a decisive role in enhancing a website's authority and search engine ranking. It involves acquiring links from external websites to your own, a process seen by search engines as a vote of confidence or endorsement of your content's quality and relevance.

Several effective link-building strategies can be employed in an SEO sprint:

Guest Blogging

Writing articles for other websites in your industry can be a powerful way to gain backlinks. This not only helps in acquiring a backlink from a relevant and authoritative site but also assists in reaching a wider audience and driving traffic back to your site.


This involves reaching out to other websites, webmasters, or bloggers in your niche to request links. The key to successful outreach is offering value in exchange, whether it’s unique content, a reciprocal link, or highlighting how linking to your content benefits them.

Internal Linking

While external links are crucial, internal linking within your own website also plays a significant role. It helps in spreading link equity across your pages, improving site navigation, and enhancing the overall user experience. Ensure that internal links are relevant and use descriptive anchor text.

Incorporating link-building into SEO sprints can significantly boost your website's visibility and search engine ranking. By focusing on acquiring high-quality backlinks through guest blogging, outreach, effective internal linking, and adhering to best practices, you can develop a robust backlink profile that bolsters your overall SEO efforts.

The Benefits of SEO Sprints

There are two main benefits of SEO sprints: the amount of time spent on the sprint and the outsized impact when compared to the amount of time spent. Traditionally, SEO engagements take a minimum of 6 months and can be extended to a year or longer. Search engine algorithms are constantly changing and evolving, which makes SEO a game that’s inherently reactive as well as perpetual. However, SEO sprints tend to take about 90 days to complete. When long-term campaigns are set up, the different tasks are usually rank-ordered to determine which are the most consequential and high-impact. SEO sprints have the same rank ordering but only focus on the most consequential parts of the SEO campaign. This creates an outsized impact in a fraction of the time of a normal SEO campaign at a fraction of the cost of a normal SEO campaign. 

Wrapping Up

SEO Sprints are a great way for companies to get most of the benefit of a traditional SEO campaign while saving the time and money associated with engaging in a year-long (or longer) campaign. If your company is looking for a quick boost of SEO, a sprint is an excellent option. While these sprints can be managed by internal teams, SEO can be a complex and labor-intensive process that can be confusing and take time away from other marketing efforts. Partnering with SEO experts like those at Be More Digital can be a great way to fast-track a successful sprint while continuing normal marketing efforts. Our SEO experts have decades of experience and can help take your digital marketing presence to the next level. Take a look at our latest case study here to learn about our SEO success stories or get in touch with us to request a free proposal.

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