Stay top of mind with immersive household remarketing

It's time to plan for a cookieless future as big tech and governmental regulations are becoming more restrictive. “Opt-in” multi-device household advertising is the next evolution of remarketing and it’s even more tactical and accurate than cookies and IP addresses have ever been.
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What is immersive household remarketing?

Immersive household remarketing is a platform that deanominizes website traffic and puts them on an advertising campaign; all in real-time. The user journey looks like this


User visits website and “shares” their location.


The user is immediately added to a remarketing program where they will begin seeing impressions on Facebook/Instagram and the top display networks like Google and Amazon.


Within 48-72 hours, the user receives a premium mailer at their home address promoting and setting your brand apart from the competition.


The Shopper Suite closes the loop in reporting, where the campaign can be quantified all the way through the funnel to sale/lead by matching back to the household address.

Immersive household remarketing takes the best aspects of both traditional and digital marketing techniques. Instead of relying on third-party cookie data, Immersive household remarketing makes 1st party data available to website owners for advertising. This unique advantage means that you own the data and it cannot be taken from you.

Immersive household remarketing starts with a simple, browser generated location opt-in prompt whenever a visitor first reaches your website. Between 50% and 80% of the time, visitors accept the opt-in which allows the technology to target them on a household level. This household-level identification enables targeted digital advertising and even mailers (driven by AI) to be delivered to the visitor’s home address. The technology recognizes when a household returns, unlocking valuable information on the multi-device and multi-influence attribution story.

Advantages of immersive household remarketing

We generate first-party data for a cookieless world.

Total data ownership
Matchback addresses to leads/sales
AI insights on buyer propensity
AI driven mailers combined with digital ads
Done-for-you model
Totally cookieless and future proofed
Market to all devices in household
Complete loop attribution across devices and channels
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Our immersive household remarketing process

Our immersive household remarketing process is soup to nuts. From strategyexecution to reporting, our team handles it all.

Creative and Ad Copy Generation

In this done-for-you or done-with-you model, our team of experts will be your guide for creative assets and copy.

Have a creative team? We can develop the creative together. Already have assets? That's even better.

Targeted Household Mailers

Artificial intelligence uses location opt-ins to target down to the household level. This household location gives you access to the exact address and location of the website visitor and allows you to target them where your competition is not - their mailbox. In a time when digital touchpoints are a necessity, having a tangible touch-point can dramatically increase positive outcomes.

The mailer is sent in real-time based on household engagement and activity within 48-72 hours of their first website visit.

Social Media Retargeting

Visitors to your website won’t just receive a mailer, they will also receive several more experiences with your brand through social media retargeting. Prospects often require anywhere from 4 to 10 touch points before making a purchase decision. Social media retargeting keeps your brand top-of-mind as they do their research.

Immersive Display Remarketing

Deploy direct mail, audio, video, and display all at once to create an immersive household branding experience for a "private" offer.

Interactive, Real-Time Reporting

Deanonymize/resolve website visitors into household addresses that are visualized in map form via a real-time reporting dashboard. Learn patterns, react to data, and watch your first-party data grow.

How we do it

Along with our partners, we incorporate patented technology to transmute website visitors into addressable household-based data and enable you to market and measure relevant advertising down to the household.


Identity Resolution

Resolve site visitors to the postal address through latitude & longitude identification logic that ensures verified accuracy.


Household Identification

A unique, persistent, Household ID to identify different households when calculating unique viewing metrics. It is specific to that household.


Data Clean Room

Brand-controlled, privacy-first, CCPA-compliant security with formidable protocols and infrastructure at all stages of the data lifecycle.

Ready To Get Started?

Start Gaining Insights


Trial analysis

Start with an audience analysis period that includes complete onboarding & software configuration.

Snippet of code

Simply add a small snippet of code to your website and it will begin prompting users to opt in and share their location at the browser level.


Household identity resolution technology will begin transforming your website visitors into first-party data down to the household level.


Three to four weeks after launch, our team of experts will meet with you to analyze your results and discuss marketing strategies to help you increase conversions and sales.

Client Stories

See why companies trust Be More Digital with their performance marketing campaigns.

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